Occupational Health: Workers Compensation Injuries

Men working and a man with workers compensation injuries on the ground

Workers’ compensation injuries are workplace injuries – any injury that happens while working. These types of injuries are covered by workers’ compensation insurance. It is vital that employees file a worker’s compensation claim quickly after the time of injury as there is a limited number of days that the employee can collect benefits. 

Types Of Workers Compensation Injuries and Illnesses

Work-related injury or illness can occur in any profession, but there are several types of injuries that are extremely common.


Burns are an injury that damages the skin tissue and can be severe. While burns can happen anywhere, those who work in kitchens, with heavy machinery, or around chemicals are more susceptible to them. Burns that can be sustained on the job include: 

  • Chemical burns
  • Radiation burns
  • Heat burns (caused by steam, hot surfaces, etc.) 
  • Electricity burns

Cuts and Lacerations

Similar to burn injuries, cuts, and lacerations are likely to happen in restaurant settings and around heavy machinery. These injuries can be superficial, but their risk of getting infected is high so quick care is needed. 

Eye Injuries

It is crucial for employees to always wear the appropriate protective equipment for their job, especially protective eyewear. Eye injuries can be caused by foreign objects and irritants, and severe injuries can even lead to blindness. 

Strains and Sprains

Strains are an injury to a muscle or tendon and happen when they are torn or stretched too far. A sprain occurs when ligaments are stretched or torn. Ankles and wrists are the most likely body parts to sustain a sprain or strain, and these types of injuries are usually a result of a fall.


A fracture is a broken bone caused by any form of trauma or excessive pressure forced on the bone. Employees who work with heavy machinery or are required to do heavy manual labor are more at risk of breaking a bone on the job. 

Cumulative Trauma

Cumulative or continuous trauma injuries happen over a number of months or years. They are a direct result of repetitive tasks that are strenuous on the body and usually affect joints, muscles, and tendons. Workers who struggle with this kind of trauma should be educated on avoidance strategies, as well as give the injury proper time to heal. 

What Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits? 

Workers’ compensation insurance allows injured or sick employees to begin receiving benefits. If you file a claim, you may be eligible for wage replacement, ongoing medical treatment, and more. 

Who Treats Workers Compensation Injuries? 

Occupational health services is a sector of medicine that focuses on the health and safety of employees from any field. Not only does occupational health provide workers’ compensation injury care, but it also helps with return-to-work strategies so employees can begin working again as soon as possible.

Other occupational care services include: 

  • DOT Physicals
  • Screenings for drug and alcohol
  • On-site testing services
  • Pre-employment testing

MainStreet Family Care works with employers of all kinds to provide cost-effective, convenient, and intrapersonal medical care. If you’re interested in creating a corporate account, call your local clinic and press 4. 

Preventing Workers’ Compensation Injuries

The best way to avoid injured workers is to practice prevention through proper education, training, and always wearing the appropriate protection gear. Some best practices for prevention include: 

  • Require that all new employees go through extensive safety training respective to your industry. 
  • Ensure current employees wear proper protective equipment at all times. 
  • Follow all of OSHA’s compliance policies. 
  • Ensure that each employee completes their tasks according to the job standards. 
  • Hold frequent safety meetings for all employees to keep them fresh on safety practices. 
  • Ensure that all employees receive on-the-job training yearly or bi-yearly, especially in the case of those working with heavy machinery. 

Turn To MainStreet Family Care

At MainStreet, we know how important it is to prevent injuries in the workplace and would love to assist you with this! If you’re interested in setting up a corporate account, contact us!